Happily Miserable

Happily Miserable
Its exhausting keeping this attitude

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Top 5 reasons driving in Northern VA sucks.

Having been a Northern VA resident for most of my life, I know a thing or two about terrible driving situations. Here are the 5 reasons I hate driving in my own area.

1. Traffic. The good thing about northern VA is that you can get ANYWHERE fast because there are highways EVERYWHERE. The bad thing about that is that everyone else knows that too, so more often than not no one goes anywhere because they are too busy being stuck in traffic.

2. Out of Town Drivers. Yes this is an important factor on this list. And this is not meant to be offensive to people who aren't from the area. They don't know where they are going, and don't know the local driving situation and often times just get overwhelmed. However, being overwhelmed often means drivers going below the speed limit on a high way creating problem number 1 on this list.

3. Cabbies. Cabbies are some of the most passive aggressive drivers. They can either go too slow, prompting you to pass them, which when they see you are trying to pass them, they get into the lane you are pulling into, further enabling your rage, or they drive too fast, cutting you off at the last possible second, then slowing down in front of you. Its a lose lose situation when cabbies are around.

4. Aggressive drivers. You cant be a defensive driver in Northern VA. Its not possible. Everyone around you is an aggressive driver. They change lanes without using a turn signal, honk at you the millisecond after the light turns green, and make a point of speeding around you making rude gestures if you drive too slow.

5. Buses. Specifically, Metro Buses. I think its a prerequisite for a Metro Bus driver to be certifiably crazy. They pull out into traffic with no warning, and cut people off. They are like cabbies but way worse. So watch out for these awful elephants of the road.

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