Happily Miserable

Happily Miserable
Its exhausting keeping this attitude

Monday, February 28, 2011

Goals for the future

I realized lately that the reason why I don't have any problem with my friends who do not currently have any goals or ambitions for their lives is that I do not have any goals or ambitions for my own life. That being said, I have pondered it and I believe that I have the beginnings of a good list.

1. Train tigers
2. Own a Jeep Wrangler. (I have wanted one since I was 4. You can ask anyone I grew up with.)
3. Own a weekend home in the mountains
4. Hike the entire AT. Maybe not at once, but hopefully before I die.
5. Join a volunteer Search and Rescue Team and work with them for hopefully a minimum of a year or so.
6. Enjoy a successful marriage with the man I am marrying in about 3 months.
7. Own my dream home.
8. Travel to Ireland, France, Spain, Italy, Scotland, Japan, and mayhaps parts of China.

These things are in no particular order. They are things I know I want to do within my lifetime. And if I were to learn that I am going to die by the end of a certain time frame, I want to have completed at least a few of the things on my list before I kick the bucket.

Thank you, and goodnight

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