Happily Miserable

Happily Miserable
Its exhausting keeping this attitude

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Advice for Boys and Girls on relationships

Yes I am inspired to write today.

This is in response to this article I found the other day via my phone: http://www.cnn.com/2010/LIVING/personal/01/07/tf.teach.son.about.women/index.html

I love this article and if I had a son, I would hope that I could teach him the same thing. For those of you who have not read the article- the advice is that he would teach his son to LISTEN to his girlfriend if he cared about her. It will get you a lot farther in a relationship. I really recommend reading the article as I dont particularly wish to butcher this guys words.

So if I had a daughter? What would I tell her? Well, its easy. I would tell her the same thing my dad told me when he realized how serious the relationship I am in now was: If you want something, tell him. You cant expect him to do something if he doesn't know about it.

Lordy, aint that the truth! Now, ladies I know you may really want for your guy to be 100% Mr. Right. He doesn't exist, and if he does- you have already labeled him your friend and won't change his status on your friend list anytime soon. If you want your man to do it right, you have to tell him what it is you want him to do. While you may be waiting for a bouquet of flowers, a box filled with Godiva truffles, and a night at the most expensive restaraunt in town for your first anniversary- he may think everything is sunshine and you may wind up with a date at the local sushi bar, which admittedly you love but is dissappointing when you were expecting some place with Chez or Les in the name.

Don't get mad at him though- he did put some thought into it. On your first date- didn't you say "Oh my god, I love this place? Mr Takiyama is a god at the art of sushi!" You did say that. And he did remember. Yes you guys were just there again last week, but now it is your anniversary and he knows how much you love this place. See? Thought process.

What you didn't tell him when you said "Ohmigodouranniversaryisnextweeek,likearentyousoexcited?" was "IreallywantflowersandchocolatesandaviewofthecityfromourtableatLesChez" which is why you guys are back at Mr Takiyama's. He did not know. And even if you have an observant guy, such as I do, let me say this loud and clear:


For those of you who missed it:


Even if you think you were too obvious, you weren't. I guarantee it. Just flat out tell him. Then if he forgets after you had been talking about it for a month, you can chew him out. It may seem like you are taking some of the magic out of the occasion, but its the same thing as when you use a condom. If using it "breaks the moment" then there really wasn't a moment to begin with.

So for all you frustrated ladies and gents- Ladies, tell your man what you want from him. Gents- LISTEN to what she is saying, and remember.

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