Happily Miserable

Happily Miserable
Its exhausting keeping this attitude

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Introduction and First Opinion


This is my first time creating a blog (short of updating for my friends on MySpace) so bear with me as things may be a little rough.

I am/have creating/ed this blog because I have lots of opinions. I know many people don't like being told things so this isn't about gossiping about my friends and family, this is about the world around me and how I perceive it. At least it is for now anyway. Sometimes I may talk about relationships, sometimes I may talk about traffic, sometimes I may just complain about examples where people lack common sense, but I wont use real names of people I know (to protect the innocent).

So everyone- Here I go! This is my first blog topic: Passive Agressiveness.

Lately I have noticed that at least in my end of the world, I am surrounded by passive agressive people. Yes I may have PA tendencies, but for the most part, I try to assert myself, where I can and when it is my place to do so. If there is no clear leader, I try to step up and lead, but not if I dont know what I am doing.

I see people all the time sit back and bite their tongue with people they do not like, and call it being civil.


Being civil does not mean you have to make yourself miserable to appease the rest of the world. Being civil is for the workplace. You act professionally, civilly and above all else flexibly polite around coworkers and clients. You act civil at parties when you are around someone who annoys you but there are fifty other people there that you can meander to next. Civil is for inviting the new neighbors over for dinner or when your mother-in-law comes down unexpectedly. Civil is not for when you have 5 people in a room who came to hang out and relax and have a good time and you DESPISE one of them. If you dont like that person- DONT HANG OUT WITH THEM!!!! Yes there are times and places to be civil, but you dont have to make yourself miserable so the person who drives you up a wall can have a nice time.

Bottom line- if you dont like someone, just avoid them.

No more of this passive agressive nonsense! It drives me up a wall and I wont play those games anymore. Does this make me a bitch? Maybe. But ya know what? Im a hell of a lot less stressed when I dont have to fake liking someone. So I dont get all the party invites- I'm very okay with that. Im happy. And if someone gets in my face at a party and I really dont like them, if I have had that drink I was debating, maybe I'll just tell them I really dont like them at all.

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